A blood-soaked and nauseating triumph that cuts like a scalpel and reads like your darkest nightmare. Mors vincit omnia. Death conquers all. London, 1883. The Veil between the living and dead has thinned. Violet-eyed mediums commune with spirits under the watchful eye of the Royal Speaker Society, and sixteen-year-old trans, autistic Silas Bell would rather rip out his violet eyes than become an obedient Speaker wife. Featuring an autistic trans protagonist in a historical setting, Andrew Joseph White’s much-anticipated sophomore novel does not back down from exposing the violence of the patriarchy and the harm inflicted on trans youth who are forced into conformity.
Saturday Oct 21, 2023
4:00 PM - 6:00 PM EDT
10/21/23 4-6pm
The Winchester Book Gallery 7 North Loudoun Street Winchester, VA 22601
The Winchester Book Gallery
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491 Airport Rd, Suite 101, Winchester, VA 22602 – (540) 662-4118 – office@regionalchamber.biz