Author Event: Kristin Parthemos - Surviving the Storm Within: Life with Lyme Disease

For the most part, Kristin Parthemos enjoyed a life of health and energy with abundant friends and a bright future ahead of her. She never saw the turn that would forever alter her reality. As mysterious symptoms began to plague her and grow in intensity, she was forced to strike out on a journey of desperation, intervention, and discovery. Through support groups, dedicated specialists, and a litany of online sources, Kristin learned to persevere, especially when it comes to overcoming Lyme disease and Surviving the Storm Within. Learn more and take home a signed copy today!
Date and Time
Saturday Aug 3, 2024
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM EDT
Saturday, August 3rd at 2:00 pm
The Winchester Book Gallery
7 N Loudoun St.
Winchester, VA