Evolving issues around employee recruitment and retention, product and service delivery, and expectations from customers, employees, and leadership have created a new environment. Managers not only play an important role as organizations and teams find their way and enhance their effectiveness, but also in creating the next phase of the modern workplace.
Today's managers need more than just a "Supervisor 101" course. In order to be successful in the modern workplace they must learn to become "More than a Manager." To provide managers with the tools they need, this course combines training on the key components of a modern manager with coaching to reinforce concepts.
This training, hosted by Becky Stickley Coaching, provided as an employee benefit or as part of professional development opportunities reaps benefits for both the individual and the organization.
Thursday May 18, 2023
9:00 AM - 4:30 PM EDT
Thursday, May 18, 2023
9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Hampton Inn & Suites
1150 Motel Drive
Woodstock, Virginia 22664
$389 per person
$350 per person for Top of Virginia Regional Chamber of Commerce Members with code TOVRCMember
Becky Stickley
Send Email
Printed courtesy of www.regionalchamber.biz/ – Contact the Top of Virginia Regional Chamber for more information.
491 Airport Rd, Suite 101, Winchester, VA 22602 – (540) 662-4118 – office@regionalchamber.biz