Wander the Waters Gala
Join the Shenandoah Valley Discovery Museum for our biggest annual fundraiser on Saturday, September 30th!
Come Wander the Waters with four floors of food, drink, entertainment, auction items and a raffle.
Tickets are on sale now @discoverymuseum.net or by calling Tammy Stevenson at (540) 722-2020 ext. 114
Wander the Waters Gala
Date and Time
Saturday Sep 30, 2023
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM EDT
Saturday, September 30th from 7pm to 10pm
19 West Cork Street
Winchester, VA 22601
$80 per person includes Hors d'oeruvres, drinks and entertainment by Chad Laughlin and Blue Ridge Rain
Contact Information
Tammy Stevenson
Send Email