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Orchard Ministries International


ChurchesBusiness Coaching

About Us

I was saved by Grace thru Faith in my Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus died for me, the least I can do is Live for HIM. I preach the un tainted, un adulterated, pure Gospel message of Jesus Christ. God's Mandate is my vision, and that is Salvation. I preach and teach on everything that HIS Blood has bought for us. It is my prayer that everyone come to have a personal relationship with Jesus and make Him your Lord and Savior. Once you have drank from the true living water of Jesus Christ, you will not thirst for the fowl, stenchful, water of this world any longer. Come, pick up your cross and follow Him, your life will never be the same again....

Ray Clark


Ministry Truck
Ray Clark
Preaching the Word
Cuba Preaching
Pakistan Missions
Revival tent
OMI Worship


Social Media, Marketing and Event Director
Category: Marketing
OMI is accepting resumes for the social media, marketing and event directors position. Job Overview; The Social Media, Marketing, and Event Director will be responsible for developing and executing the ministries marketing strategies, managing social media campaigns, and overseeing the planning and execution of events. This role requires a dynamic leader who is skilled in digital marketing, more
Contact: Ray Clark
Phone:(540) 546-8741


Rep/Contact Info

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View Personal Bio
Ray Clark
Servant and Disciple of Lord Jesus Christ
View Personal Bio
Mrs. Sandi Clark